Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Hey Everyone!

So arrives our team in Nairobi and the first blog post!

We had a close call on our connection in Chicago. We sprinted through O'Hare airport, they held the plane for us and we BARELY made it on board. From there it was smooth sailing.

After getting our visas and getting through customs OK, Greg Snell was there meeting us at the exit. The Snells are the most wonderful people. They took us in, stored our bags that we only need for Tanzania, and had our whole week planned out for us.

We are staying our first night in a dorm style housing on the campus where the Snell's do leadership training. It's gorgeous, brand new and everything. In the morning we are going into town to run errands, and then we will be out to their ministry site in the morning. What a great way to kick off the trip!

God Moments so far:

- Jann at the Minneapolis airport. Our bags were well over the 50 pound limit, but she pushed them through for free.

- Catching our 2nd flight, literally as time ran out. Then getting warmly welcomed on the plane by each having four seats to ourselves to lay across.

- The girls had an awesome conversation on that flight with one of the flight attendants who did orphanage work in Kenya for 15 years. Great insight and advice, totally a divine appointment.

- The Snell's and this AWESOME place to stay our first night. We will be back here Saturday and Sunday night after spending the rest of the week in Navaisha.

I wanted to get this out so everyone knows we are alive and well. Once we get more settled this will become more of a site for my personal thoughts, experiences, and learning points. The team and I will direct our day to day interactions and plans on our Lavego site. Once that is up and running I will post directions to view that site on the blog here.

We're in Africa! Alive and well.

- Andrew

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coming Soon!

Check back for Blog Posts about what our wonderful maker is up to in Africa

On Monday, January 25th my team and I will be sent to Nairobi, Kenya for one week. We will be working alongside Missionaries Deb and Greg Snell, at their ministry center. It is anticipated to be an eye opening kickoff with building projects, volunteering at schools, and adapting to the beautiful African world.

At the beginning of February, we will make our way down to Arusha, Tanzania to reunite with the Tuamken Orphans. We began an ongoing relationship with Tuamken roughly one year ago, and hope to come alongside this village and quietly help them obtain their short term and long term needs.

At this time please pray for every aspect of the word 'Embarking'

Check back often! I hope to share with you closely God's provision as we spend time with some of God's most poor, but hopeful children.